February 03, 2023


Beshalach | Bread From Heaven

Beshalach | Bread From Heaven
5 Minute Torah Podcast
Beshalach | Bread From Heaven

Feb 03 2023 | 00:06:09


Show Notes

What is it? That seems like an odd opening line, but it’s even more strange that someone would use that phrase, “What is it?” to name a food. But this is exactly what happened with the Children of Israel. When God provided bread from heaven, they took one look at it and said, “Mann hu?” — “What is it?” And the name just sort of stuck. But even if they were perplexed as to its substance, they were nourished by it nonetheless. How does this Mysterious Manna help us to understand our relationship with Yeshua? Let’s take a look at this curious lesson together in this week’s 5 Minute Torah.

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