October 03, 2019


Parashat Vayelech - A Recipe For Rebellion

Parashat Vayelech - A Recipe For Rebellion
5 Minute Torah Podcast
Parashat Vayelech - A Recipe For Rebellion

Oct 03 2019 | 00:05:56


Show Notes

When it comes to Scripture, are we supposed to follow the interpretation of man or the leading of the Holy Spirit? If we are supposed to follow the Spirit, then why do we have conflicting interpretations from so-called Spirit-filled believers, rather than a single, unified, Spirit-guided interpretation? What does it mean to obey the "spirit of the Law" versus obeying the "letter of the Law"? Learn more in the 5 Minute Torah commentary on Parashat Vayelech (Deuteronomy 31:1-31:30).

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