January 25, 2019


Parashat Yitro - Believe In Moses?

Parashat Yitro - Believe In Moses?
5 Minute Torah Podcast
Parashat Yitro - Believe In Moses?

Jan 25 2019 | 00:06:21


Show Notes

In this week's Torah portion God tells Moses He will appear to him in a thick cloud so that the people would "believe in you forever." Believe in Moses forever? But aren't we supposed to believe in Yeshua forever? If it sounds confusing maybe we need to reorient our way of thinking. Read more in the 5 Minute Torah on Parashat Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:23). https://www.emethatorah.com/blog/2017/february-17/parashat-yitro-exodus-181-2023

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