February 24, 2023


Terumah | Lessons From The Holy Ark

Terumah | Lessons From The Holy Ark
5 Minute Torah Podcast
Terumah | Lessons From The Holy Ark

Feb 24 2023 | 00:05:27


Show Notes

Hypocrisy. Scandal. Corruption. Phony. Fake. These are words that come to mind when many people think of religion. Why? Because often religious people love to wear their religion on the outside so that they look good in the face of the public, but are inwardly a different person altogether. Yeshua rebuked his peers for this hypocrisy. He has called his people to be pure and holy, set apart to himself. How can learning about the construction of the Ark of the Covenant help us understand the full implications of Yeshua’s teachings against hypocrisy and help us to be disciples who are the “real deal?” Join me for this teaching as we learn how to avoid the trap of hypocrisy in this week’s 5 Minute Torah.

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