March 03, 2023


Tetzaveh| The Invisible Leader

Tetzaveh| The Invisible Leader
5 Minute Torah Podcast
Tetzaveh| The Invisible Leader

Mar 03 2023 | 00:04:03


Show Notes

If a person came up to you and said, “I’ll give you $1 million to take your place in Heaven or take your share in the World to Come” (depending on your theological paradigm) … What would you say? Would you take it? What if they offered you $100 million? What about $1 billion? Is there anything anyone could offer you that would be appealing enough for you to forgo your place in the World to Come? Most people with any kind of spiritual sensibility would flatly reject any such offer. However … we have at least two examples in the Scriptures where our spiritual leaders were willing to do just that. Who am I talking about? Stick around and I’ll tie their stories to a lesson of leadership in this week’s 5 Minute Torah.

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